terça-feira, agosto 30, 2005


Destaques da imprensa de hoje, sobre a pseudo-constituição iraquiana. O Iraque é o braço da administração Bush pior controlado:

“Between the idea and the reality falls the shadow of occupation. Whatever the parliamentarians in Iraq do to try to prevent total meltdown, their efforts are compromised by the fact that their power grows from the barrel of someone else's gun.” (George Monbiot, The Guardian)
“The greatest danger is that divisions will now deepen further, perhaps descending into full-scale civil war. The one ray of hope may be that the Sunnis will take part in sufficient numbers to reject it on the basis that they command majorities in three of the country's 18 provinces. The question then would be whether political bargaining could resume, or whether the gun and the bomb will still be running Iraq's grim show.” (Leader, The Guardian)
“the constitutional mess signals prolongation of the bloody insurgency that prevents the establishment of bearable living conditions in much of Iraq, could lead to civil war and could stall a hoped- for U.S. withdrawal. “ (Op-Ed, San Francisco Chronicle)
“If Sunnis feel shut out of the political process, there's little incentive for them to lay down their weapons. Shiites and Kurds should understand the need to placate Sunnis and try to persuade them not to vote the constitution down in October. Better to amend the constitution than see Iraq torn apart.” (Ed., LA Times)
Adenda (31/08):
"We do not know what outcome we will face in Iraq. We do know that four years after 9/11, our whole foreign policy seems destined to rise or fall on the outcome of a war only marginally related to the source of what befell us on that day. There was nothing inevitable about this. There is everything to be regretted about it."
(Francis Fukuyama, The New York Times)